These are just some random photographs of the bands and artists of Electric Fantastic Sound performing live in various places, in various times, in various countries.
Diskodiktator live at Mejeriet, Lund, Sweden.
Topgun live at SAMA 2005, Göteborg, Sweden.
Gender live at Club Undercut, Värmlands Nation, Lund, Sweden.
Neurobash live at Vattentornet, Eslöv, Sweden.
Romantica live, unknown location.
Quelles Paroles live at Emergenza Festival, Malmö, Sweden.
Basswood Dollies live at Moriskan, Folkets Park, Malmö, Sweden.
101 live at Malmöfestivalen, Malmö, Sweden.
101 arriving in Barcelona, Spain, for the FEA Festival.
Diskodiktator backstage at Debaser, Malmö, Sweden.
Alison performing live, unknown location.
New Modern Angels performing live, unknown location.
Topgun performing live, location unknown.
The Garland Cult performing live, unknown location.
Atari Cowboy live at Vinylbaren, Malmö, Sweden.
Diskodiktator live at Trädgår’n, Borås, Sweden.
Mr Data live at Electric Fantastic Christmas Party 2008, Malmö, Sweden.
Diskodiktator live at Kulturbolaget, Malmö, Sweden.
Quelles Paroles live at Emergenza Festival, Malmö, Sweden.
Basswood Dollies live at Rundgång, Malmö, Sweden.
Klas Knastermus live jam session at Electric Fantastic Sound HQ, Malmö, Sweden.
The Fourth Criminal live at The Festival Of Sins, London, Great Britain.
Libra performing live, unknown location.
The Fourth Criminal live at The Festival Of Sins, London, Great Britain.
Basswood Dollies live at Northern Storm Festival, Leipzig, Germany.
Topgun performing live, unknown location.
Diskodiktator live at Trädgår’n, Borås, Sweden.
Topgun performing live, unknown location.
The Crashlanders live at Club Undercut, Värmlands Nation, Lund, Sweden.
The Thought Criminals at Radio AF, Lund, Sweden.
Basswood Dollies performing live, unknown location.
Topgun live at Trädgår’n, Göteborg, Sweden.
James Leon performing live, unknown location.
The Thought Criminals live at Rundgång, Malmö, Sweden.
Neurobash live at Dunkers kulturhus, Helsingborg, Sweden.
101 live at Malmöfestivalen, Malmö, Sweden.
Libra performing live, unknown location.
Diskodiktator live at Kulturbolaget, Malmö, Sweden.
S.P.Ä.C.K live at Club Undercut, Värmlands Nation, Lund, Sweden.
Social Ambitions performing live, unknown location.
New Modern Angels performing live, unknown location.
101 live at Trädgår’n, Göteborg, Sweden.
Flux live at Sugar Bar, Stockholm, Sweden.
Topgun live at Trädgår’n, Göteborg, Sweden.
Atari Cowboy live at Vinylbaren, Malmö, Sweden.
Topgun live at Trädgår’n, Göteborg, Sweden.