Contact Information
Electric Fantastic Sound is always on the lookout for new talent. If you think you would like to join our ranks, and if you think we would like you to join us, please get in touch!
These are some general guidelines:
Please limit the songs you send us to about 3. If we are interested we will ask you for more, but sending us 30 songs and ask us to pick our favourites is just asking for being put in the “I’ll check this later” pile.
If possible, send us your songs on a physical format, preferably a CD. This can be a recordable CD that you have burned yourself – but by sending us something in the mail you show a certain dedication that is most appreciated.
Regardless if you contact us via a physical letter or via email, please introduce yourself and your band/project as if you were actually trying to make us interested.
Before sending us anything, take a moment to check out what is already on the label. If your music is completely different to what we already release you could save yourself the postage fee and find a more suitable partner. Or, you could make a point of your music being completely different from what we already have released and that is exactly why we should listen to you!
Last point but possibly the most important: remember to include a way for us to contact you! Your name, postal address, email address or a telephone number is a great way to make us able to get back to you.
For physical object such as letters, CDs and the like:
Electric Fantastic Sound
Stabäcksvägen 1
SE-247 72 Genarp
For digital communications, such as emails with links: