
  • Flux Fin review

    We are all about other people telling you how good our releases are – this time Side-Line Music Magazine lay it out for you: Vesa Rainne and Ville Brusi have always impressed me with their particular taste to mix vintage (analogue) sound together with modern sound treatments, but what they’ve accomplished on this new work simply sounds…

  • Flux Fin review

    The Swedish magazine took their time but finally – here is their review of the current Flux Fin album “Grit, Guts & Glory”. Link

  • Anton Weber returns!

    With the current trend being new material from old bands Electric Fantastic Sound has no other option but to dig deep into the vaults of Anton Weber. A new album is coming later in 2015 – until then you will have to make due with the brilliant new single “From Russia With Love” out on…

  • Flux Fin does it AGAIN!

    It usually quite easy to be humble but when the most influential electronic music blog of the world announces its “Top 20 Synthpop Albums of 2014” it’s hard not to get nervous. Flux Fin, our friends from Finland, helps me as the label relax and takes place along with several worthy bands like Iamamiwhoami and…

  • New album from Flux Fin!

    It’s been a long time coming but finally our friends from Finland has put together a brand new album filled with wonderful music. The title is “Grit, Guts and Glory” and the official release date is set to November 28 2014. While waiting for that day please enjoy this example of perfect pop: [soundcloud url=””…

  • “Ryssen kommer” by Raba Hiff

    Ryssen kommer! from Joon Pontén on Vimeo.

  • Debut single from Paug

    [soundcloud url=”” params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /] Vocalist Kent Björnsson was half of the classic synthpop duo Native Cry – his new creative output is called Paug. The debut single is called “Fält” (“Field” in English) and you just have to hear it to believe it. Paug is about transfering the feeling of awe towards…

  • For the first time on vinyl

    It is with great pride we present you with the first ever Electric Fantastic Sound LP; the amazingly cool “FRBFRT STHLM” by Raba Hiff. This mysterious duo from Stockholm and their electronica adds another milestone in the cultural landscape. While waiting for further instructions on where to buy this deluxe vinyl LP – enjoy these…

  • New artist on Electric Fantastic Sound

    It’s with great honour we present the latest addition to the Electric Fantastic Sound family: Paug. Check out this little teaser and do visit the official homepage of this amazing artist!

  • New album by Flux Fin

    Our friends from Finland – Flux Fin – are working on a new album. Check out this tasty teaser!