Don’t take our word for it…

Diskodiktator continue their epic journey into the abyss of classic Swedish 1990’s albums and this time it happened to become a tribute to the 1995 S.P.O.C.K album “Alien Worlds”. Naturally we think it’s great but we are not alone. The music blog Cold War Night Life has this to say:

What made the original S.P.O.C.K songs so enduring was composer Eddie Bengtsson’s instinctive feel for pop structures, which were OMD-class, even if the subjects were lifted from cult sci-fi. Slowed down and put into another mode, they can start to sound less iconic than ironic, but there are clever moments here: Billing is a talented programmer and performer, and on tracks like “Astro Girl” he provides a setting that is closer to R&B than classic poptronica.